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Wellington Greenkeepers Association

With 24 clubs and over 40 greens throughout Wellington, the region is blessed with world class facilities. The Wellington Greenkeepers Association work closely with clubs, greenkeepers and with Bowls Wellington throughout the season and through the green allocation process. 

The Wellington Greenkeepers Association ​exists to "foster and advise on the upkeep of lawn bowling greens and to act in conjunction with other research associations (ie. NZTSI)

The Association is responsible to Bowls Wellington for the assessment of greens (both natural and synthetic) throughout the Wellington region and provide recommendations as to what greens are suitable for tournament play. 

All Clubs and conveners/ greenkeepers are strongly encouraged to join the association to take advantage of the knowledge and expertise available and the latest advancements to natural and synthetic green maintenance. 

Meetings/ field days are scheduled throughout the year. Clubs will be advised of dates/times and venues as necessary. 

The association has the additional role of acting as adviser to Bowls Wellington as to the suitability of the various greens for National / Centre Championship play.

Patron:                        Bowls Wellington President    

President:                   Brendon Gibson    

Vice President:           Ian Prince

Secretary/Treasurer:   Don McMurray        

Committee:                Ray Lovie  

                                   Raj Sukha  

                                   Jim Swift


Meetings and Field Days - TBA.


Green Assessments - Here


Green Allocation 2024-25 - Here


Clubs are expected to communicate regularly with both Bowls Wellington and the Greenkeepers Association regarding the condition and suitability of their playing surface to assist with the green allocation process.


Bowls Wellington Sponsors

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Bowls Wellington Funding Partners


P: 04 560 0384


Pelorus Sports House

93 Hutt Park Road,


Lower Hutt 5012

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